MSK Projects ( India ) Limited incorporated on 20 th December, 1994 , had started construction businss in the year 1976 in the name of M/s M. S. Khurana, a partnership firm. The firm was registered as a public limited company in the name of M/s MSK Projects ( India ) Limited under section 566 of The Companies Act, 1956. The company has got Certificate of Commencement of Business on 27 th January, 1995. The company entered in the field of industrial construction with prime motive of servicing reputed clients. The firm has gained various types of works such as mass housing & township, multi-storied buildings. Industrial projects for coal mines, fertilizer plants, petrochemicals, water retaining structures, and have successfully & timely executed them.
BUY between Rs./- 20 -25 with a target of Rs.100 ++ in 3-4 Years .